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产 品 说 明: |
该生产线由立式清洗机、人工上框、自动合片装置、自动平压装置、自动出料装置组 成。可根据用户要求进行升级和扩展。 (This production line comprises the stainless steel washing machine, manual frame mounting station,automaticflat press, automatic tilting table. This line has been constructed in modular design to enable smooth adaptation of a higher degree of automation in the future.) 性能特点 perfomance charcteisic: (1)全自动中空玻璃生产线(可生产LOW-E及异性中空玻璃)。 (2)清洗机采用3对LOW-E玻璃专用毛刷避免膜层损伤。 (3)气幕式检验确保中空玻璃内腔更清洁、减少划伤产生。 (4)扳机压PLC自动控制、板压效果更佳。 (5)翻转台灵活操作、安全可靠。 (6)采用触摸屏显示系统-可单独完成全线控制。 Shape Glass LOW-E lnsulating Glass production line Automation control function for LOW-E Glass (3pair-brush treatment for LOW-E) Glass transfer with conveyor(Air blowing type) Automatic adjust function for pressing with hydraulic compression Tilting Table Wint Hydraulic Pressure 2-monitor using system-Temperature/speed/production volume -Mechanical troubie check -Whoie line control function with lmonitor 主要工作参数 main tecnique parameter: 最大生产规格(MAX WORKING SIZE):1800mm*2500mm 最小生产规格(MIN WORKING SIZE):300*500mm 玻璃厚度(GIASS THICKNESS):3mm-12mm 中空玻璃厚度(UNIT THICKNESS):up to 40MM 加工速度(WORKING SPEED):-清洗最快速度(MAX、IN WASHINE SECTION):12m/min -加工最快速度(MAX、IN ACCELERATING):48m/min 刷子(BRUSH):3pair(LOW-E) 输入电压(power voltage):380V/50Hz 总功率(TOTAL POWER):23kw |