

河北欣美塑胶制品有限公司 > 产品首页 > 配套/辅料 > 隔音隔热 > 供应保温隔热材料岩棉板、岩棉制品


  • 产品价格:45元/
  • 最小起订:
  • 供货总量:
  • 发货地址:河北 廊坊
  • 发布日期:2012/7/9
  • 发布公司:河北欣美塑胶制品有限公司
  • 联系电话:86 0316 5795098
  • 联系人:李朋先生 QQ:1833453290 发送询价
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品牌: 欣美  型号:  
材质:玄武岩 产地:河北省大城县 产品类别:岩棉制品
产品种类:岩棉及其制品 导热系数(常温):0.034 等级:1
低温弯折≤:25 断裂伸长率:36 规格:1000MM*630MM
抗弯强度:21 抗压强度:36 品牌:欣美
使用温度:650 芯材:岩棉 形态:纤维状
形状:长方形 应用范围:EPS外墙保温系统

产品特点及优势Features and advantages of products


2、容重密度范围大(40kg-200kg/ m3)、规格范围广,各项指标均达到或超过国家标准;



1. High quality and extra fine, low slag-ball content and low coefficient of heat conductivity;

 2. Wide range of bulk density (40kg-200kg/ m3), wide range of specifications with all data being within/better than national standards;

3. Wide range of applications for construction, petroleum, electric power, metallurgy, textile, national defence, transportation and other industries. Ideal material for heat insulation and sound insulation of industrial facilities such as tank , boiler, flue, heat exchanger , blower, vehicles and ships etc;

 4. Owing to its large-scale production and advanced technology the products are salable in home market, especially for large and key projects. The products are also sold to more than 10 countries/regions abroad.




The products have higher strength and better elasticity. The folded rock wool board with certain compression resistance has greater drawing strength, and it does not tend to peel off and has greatly improved durability.






Elastic mid-strength rock wool board: used for heat preservation, fireproofing and sound absorption for the building wall/roof, such as curtain wall, inner wall partition and elevator hoistway, etc.

High-strength rock wool board: used for various high/low temperature conditions, with good weight-bearing ability and compression-resistance, specially suitable for heat preservation and heat insulation for large ships, tanks, ovens, pipelines and other industrial facilities.

Compression-resistant rock wool board: used for roof heat preservation of airport lounge and large workshop as it could bear huge loads.


  憎水岩棉板Rock wool board hydrophobe

  憎水板具有弹性大、耐压强度高的特点,该材料的这种结构和特性提供了最佳的防水控制、良好的绝热和防火性能。容重100-200 kg/ m3,标准规格1000×630×40-100mm

Hydrophobic board is featured in great elasticity and high compression resistance. Such structure and feature of this material could provide best water-proff control, good heat insulation and fireproof properties.


Rock wool boards are used on ships, partition wall board, pipelines of air conditioning systems and sound adsorption equipment etc that work in damp environment and should meet very high demand for their dampproof and waterproof properties.

  • 成立时间:2006
  • 经营模式:生产加工
  • 所在地区:河北 廊坊
  • 河北欣美塑胶制品有限公司
  • 联系人:李朋 先生
  • 手机:
  • 电话:86 0316 5795098
  • 传真:86 0316 5785522
  • 查看详细地址
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