品牌: | 开利 | 型号: |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:开利 | 材质:铜头 |
型号:十字超薄 | 规格:十字 | 适用范围:卷闸门 |
正宇锁业五金装饰是一家经营各种国内外名优五金锁具的批发单位,有高级豪华执手锁、防盗门锁、球锁、各种铜、铁、刚挂锁、摩托车锁、锁心配件及五金装饰材料等系列,产品进三千余种,品种齐全。本单位以“顾客至上,信誉第一,价格合理,不断创新”为经营宗旨,与广大的客户一起携手开拓锁具五金市场,达到共同发展,共创辉煌!zhengyu lock decorative hardware industryis operating variety of domestic and international famous locks of the wholesale hardware units, a senior luxury handle locks,anti-theft locks, lock the ball kinds of copper,iron,steel pablock motorcycle lock.Suoxin accessories and décor ation materiels such as metal series,and decora tion materials such as metal series,nearly 3,00 0 kindsof products in all. The unit “customer first,creditfirst,the pricers reasonable,continuo usinnovation”for business purposes,and worki ng hand in hand with ourcustomersopen up lock hardware market,to achieve common dev elopement and create brilliant!