
主营:Aluminium Window+Aluminium Door+UPVC Window+UPVC Door+Anti-mosquito Window+Shutter Window+Anti-theft Window+Handrail+Guardrail+Wood Door+Steel Security Door+Stainless Steel Door+Luxurious Craft Door+K

广州市越秀区奥兰门窗商行 > 产品首页 >  > 推拉窗 > 80 Series Aluminum Alloy Sliding Window(优质80铝合金推拉窗)

80 Series Aluminum Alloy Sliding Window(优质80铝合金推拉窗)

  • 产品价格:230元/
  • 最小起订:
  • 供货总量:
  • 发货地址:广东 广州
  • 发布日期:2013/5/8
  • 发布公司:广州市越秀区奥兰门窗商行
  • 联系电话:86 020 61149212
  • 联系人:安军先生 QQ:1833453290 发送询价
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80 Series Aluminum Alloy Sliding Window(优质80铝合金推拉窗)详细信息
品牌: Meiyuan  型号:  
产品类别:整套窗 品牌:Meiyuan 材质:铝合金
窗帘类型:水平推拉 开关类型:手动 推拉方向:左右
是否异形窗:否 功能:隔音、隔热、防虫、防尘、防风、防盗 颜色:black wood(黑木纹)
长度:6000mm 宽度:80mm 窗扇尺寸:1380*1190(mm)
摆锤冲击量:8(kJ/㎡) 弯曲弹性模量:70000(Mpa) 抗风压性能:三级
硬度:中等 型号:AL-8107 产地:广州
是否提供加工定制:是 加工方式:来图定制 是否外贸:是
外贸类型:出口 窗框尺寸:1830*1220(mm)

Aluminum alloy sliding window means casement which refers to the horizontal direction of sliding window around vertical.It's concise and beautiful in model .The size of window is big and horizon broadened so that we can open it flexibly and conveniently.It not only takes up small area to open in a plane,but also is safe and reliable ,and has long service life.So it's convenient to install the screen window.















Glass Thickness: 5mm,   6mm,   8mm.







Aluminum Alloy Thickness:  1.5mm,   1.2mm,    1.0mm.















Product number: AL-8107

Price:$78.00/piece(factory price) Aluninum alloy type:80series
Fixed transom window: NODouble glass with flower
 Glass thickness:5mm Glass color: clear + coated glass
Aluninum color: light  red woodAluminum thickness:1.2mm


  • 成立时间:2010
  • 经营模式:生产加工
  • 所在地区:广东 广州
  • 广州市越秀区奥兰门窗商行
  • 联系人:安军 先生
  • 手机:
  • 电话:86 020 61149212
  • 传真:86 020 61149212
  • 查看详细地址
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