


  • 产品价格:52元/
  • 最小起订:
  • 供货总量:
  • 发货地址:广东 东莞
  • 发布日期:2013/5/24
  • 发布公司:东莞市企石东大建筑模板制品厂
  • 联系电话:86 0769 86723838/86710358
  • 联系人:卢立凤先生 QQ:1833453290 发送询价
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品牌:   型号:  
品名:胶合板 树种:桉木 产地:广东
等级:Ⅰ 表观密度:42MPa 抗弯强度:36MPa
成型次数:一次成型 胶水:三聚氰胺胶水 规格:1.83m*0.915m

我厂是专业生产销售混凝土建筑专用模板的企业,坐落于中国广东东莞市。生产的建筑模板达到GB/T17656——1999国家标准,产品性能在同类产品中处于领先水平,畅销全国各地,深受全国各大建筑公司的好评。 年产模板150万张,工厂严把质量关,一切工艺流程全部由我厂自行完成,从而保证了产品质量从内到外的优良品质。 欢迎来电洽谈:卢小姐 0769--86723838  FAX 0769--86723868  15999865969

          Located in the Mo Wu, Qi Shi, Dong Guan industrial district, Dong Da construction-templates manufacturing factory was founded in 2001, covering an area of over 60,000 square meters, and it has introduced more than ten production lines.

Dong Da has an large scale production system. Its products are of all the required sizes and are very qualified. With relatively lower price and competitive skills, the products are mainly sold across the country. Dong Da has become a leading and professional soly-founded factory within the field, combining production with services. Dong Da factory consists of managerial department, business department, purchasing department, production department, warehouse department quality contral department and engineering department,ect. Dong Da implements the systematic quality-contral management according to ISO 9001: 2008 quality standard, cooperating with its international business parteners in long terms ,therefore, Dong Da has earned a good reputation in the business. “Integrity, profession, to do better” is our managerial belief. We are innovative and at services for the improvement of product quality. The templates are high-temperature resistant, high-pressure resistant, waterproof, anticorrosive, srong wear resistant and could be used for many times. Based on highly good quality, we always meet orders on time to the satisfaction of our customers. We’d like to do a win-win business with our parteners and we sincerely hope your visit.

After being boiled in hot water for 48 hours in a row and dried in high temperature, our templates are still in good gluing conditon. In addition, the templates are very flat, hard to deform, light, strong, easy to process and are widely used as materials for cement templates, outdoor detachable house, chairs and tables for open senic areas and ad billbaord.,ect.

  • 成立时间:2009
  • 经营模式:生产加工
  • 所在地区:广东 东莞
  • 东莞市企石东大建筑模板制品厂
  • 联系人:卢立凤 先生
  • 手机:
  • 电话:86 0769 86723838/86710358
  • 传真:86 0769 86723868
  • 查看详细地址
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