主营:佛山小野牌别墅砖+佛山小野鸭牌软瓷软外墙砖+柔性饰面砖批发+薄板 陶瓷板超薄地板砖+抛光砖超洁亮批发蹲便器拖布盆+抛晶砖小便斗水箱+文化砖外墙+柜盆艺术盆+仿古砖防滑砖+木纹砖仿大理石砖+填缝剂白色黄色黑色现货
主营:佛山小野牌别墅砖+佛山小野鸭牌软瓷软外墙砖+柔性饰面砖批发+薄板 陶瓷板超薄地板砖+抛光砖超洁亮批发蹲便器拖布盆+抛晶砖小便斗水箱+文化砖外墙+柜盆艺术盆+仿古砖防滑砖+木纹砖仿大理石砖+填缝剂白色黄色黑色现货
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安装热线; 400-019-0769 工程价格优惠
官方网站:http://www.xiaoyeya.com/ 请点击
Light performance:The expression of the bulding changes from day to night.
External Louvers that are good for the environment.
HIGH-TECH TERRACOTTA 立方陶具有遮光效果,可节省能源
HIGH-TECH TERRACOTTA louvers block out light and save energy.
Blocking light externally before it enters the building is good from the prespective of energy savings. Because the light is blocked outside the glass, there is no change in room temperature. Using blinds or curtains lets light inside the room, leading to a hotter building.