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【厂家直销】隔音实木门 室内实木复合门 定做 实木门套装推拉门

  • 产品价格:元/
  • 最小起订:
  • 供货总量:
  • 发货地址:广东 广州
  • 发布日期:2015/12/27
  • 发布公司:广州市潮盛门业有限公司
  • 联系电话:0086 020 84718140
  • 联系人:廖仕霞女士 QQ:1439734577 发送询价
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【厂家直销】隔音实木门 室内实木复合门 定做 实木门套装推拉门详细信息
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门 防盗门 木门 实木门 推拉门 室内门 衣柜推拉门 不锈钢门 卷帘门 医院门医用门 衣柜移门 伸缩门 玻璃门 移门 木门 实木 电动伸缩门 铝合金门 钢木门 卫生间门 家居 门 折叠门 自动门 实木复合门 甲级防盗门 实木门 室内 卷闸门 医院专用门 铜门 电动门 大门 套装门 永康防盗门 家居室内 门 肯德基门 防盗门 进户 平移门 免漆门 塑钢门 铁门 纯实木门 衣柜门 平开门 木门 室内 盼盼防盗门 车库门 不锈钢门 304 烤漆门 铁艺门 防火卷帘门


  企业精神:诚信、开拓、乐观、向上 人才观:人格平等,人尽其才,劳有所得 发展方向:向集团化,多元化发展 市场理念:以服务客户为导向,不断研发新品,满足市场需求员工准则:爱岗、敬业、团结、进取 企业目标:打塑造行业第一品牌,做中国门业的领导者




Guangzhou Panyu Chao Sheng door industry limited company into the foreign advanced woodworking machinery, testing equipment, a first-class technology.Management of the whole computer software.Top glory trade Limited is the development of villas, high-end residential, office buildings, luxury hotels ideal doors, the products are exported around the world, the tide Sheng who will serve you home!


Guangzhou Panyu Chao Sheng door industry limited company set the domestic wooden doors industry technology and management of elite talent.Have a high-quality staff more than 100 people, professional and technical personnel, senior technical workers accounted for 20%, Chao Sheng has a sales force to be trained with regularity, and "Chao Sheng" the vigorous innovation team.


Chao Sheng wood is a professional production of high-end luxury solid wood doors, door frames, window products company, fashionable, and has a strong overall sense and three-dimensional sense.All materials used in high-grade imported teak, pear wood, Hu spades, pineapple grid, Sabelli, zebra wood, gold grapefruit, walnut, cherry wood logs wood.Products undergo strict disinfection - - - - - - - - - the boiling drying, Seiko secret agents.Has applied for national patents, patent No. 2006201085108.Chao Sheng "trapezoidal lock pin structure" commitment to users normally use 50 years without deformation.


Entrepreneurial spirit: integrity, pioneering, optimistic, upward talent: equality of personality, give full scope to the talents, employment direction: to the group, the diversified development of the market philosophy: the customer service-oriented, and constantly develop new products to meet market demand, employee guidelines: love, dedication, unity, and enterprising business goals: shaping the industry's first brand, do the Chinese industry leader


Our company mainly engaged in: Deluxe Double door, deluxe door, Continental Rome series, carved series, multiple pool classics series, single cell simple series, plate type T craft series, glass series, bronze series, the line series and so on


Chao Sheng purpose: true "core" made the door


Chao Sheng target "build China's first portal""



  • 成立时间:2010
  • 经营模式:生产加工
  • 所在地区:广东 广州
  • 广州市潮盛门业有限公司
  • 联系人:廖仕霞 女士
  • 手机:15975533789
  • 电话:0086 020 84718140
  • 传真:0086 020 34712118
  • 查看详细地址
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