品牌: | 瑞斯乐 | 型号: | 米兰四型 |
意大利威尼斯水城(Ⅳ型) Italy venice watercity |
威尼斯——世界著名的水城,由于地表逐年下沉,房屋建筑均没入水中,大门的木胀使人们饱受开门之苦。在不停的琢磨中,意大利人终于发现,简洁明快的门型是唯一能减少木质变形的方式,而且简洁明快的外观更适合水城那自然简单的风格。 People in venice had once been suffering from troubles in operning swollen doors as buildings were submerged by water due to year-to-year sinking of the earth surface.Trying time after time made them understand the doors of streamlined style was the only way to reduce wood deformation and such simplicity implying essentiality became unique to any other style. |