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豪华高亮夜光触摸屏电子密码锁 感应屏密码锁 背光触摸屏锁

  • 产品价格:85元/
  • 最小起订:
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  • 发货地址:
  • 发布日期:2013/8/20
  • 发布公司:南京鲁伯思特电子科技有限公司
  • 联系电话:86 025 52396775
  • 联系人:杨时光先生 QQ:1833453290 发送询价
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豪华高亮夜光触摸屏电子密码锁 感应屏密码锁 背光触摸屏锁详细信息
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专利创新外观 触摸屏密码锁 夜视背光 豪华大气   


一、  此密码锁有两种使用方法

We have two ways to open the lock.

1、    键盘输入开锁

Enter the right code to open the lock.


The lock’s factory default setting is 1234 and 12345678


    Emergency unlock ,the lock’s factory default setting is 88888888.


Note : you has to make Emergency code different from Other codes.


   To change the management password code and user password

1、    修改管理码:输入管理码(1-8位数字键),按"#"键,绿灯亮, 在绿灯亮期间按*键,面板黄灯亮(超过8秒没有任何输入,则退出修改模式,进入待机状态),进入修改密码状态,输入新密码后按"*"确认.听到"滴滴滴",黄灯灭说明管理码修改成功;听到"滴滴滴滴",修改失败,请重试。Management password changing :input the old code ,press “#”key ,the green LED will light ,at same time press “*”key the screen will have yellow light(if you do not do it more than 8 seconds ,it will abort changing state ,it’s going to waiting state.), it’s going to changing code state ,input the new code you want to change and then press “*”key to confirm .if you hear “deep” three time ,that means you change code successfully ,if not change again

2、    修改用户码: 输入用户码(1-8位数字键),按"#"键,绿灯亮, 在绿灯亮期间按*键,面板黄灯亮(超过8秒没有任何输入,则退出修改模式,进入待机状态),输入新密码,按"*"确认.听到"滴滴滴",黄灯灭说明修改成功;听到"滴滴滴滴",修改失败,请重试。

User password changing :input the old code ,press “#”key ,the green LED will light ,at same time press “*”key the screen will have yellow light(if you do not do it more than 8 seconds ,it will abort changing state ,it’s going to waiting state.), it’s going to changing code state ,input the new code you want to change and then press “*”key to confirm .if you hear “di” three time ,that means you change code successfully ,if not change again.


A、   修改应急密码:在面板上输入正确的管理码或用户码,按"#"键,绿灯亮,进入开门状态,在绿灯亮期间按##键,面板黄灯亮, 在8秒内通过键盘输入新密码,按"*"确认.听到"滴滴滴",黄灯灭说明管理码修改成功;听到"滴滴滴滴",黄灯灭说明管理码修改失败,请重试。

Changing emergency code : Enter the management code or user code .then press the “#” button ,the green LED light ,the door are in opening sate .at the time when the green LED lights press the “##” key ,the yellow LED lights ,in the eight seconds input the new code ,the press the “*”key to confirm .when you hear three beeps ,the yellow LED turn off ,you change the code successfully .if you hear four beeps ,yellow LED turn off ,you changer the emergency code unsuccessfully .please do it again.



1、    键盘输入开锁:输入管理码或用户码,按"#"键,绿灯亮,转动把手开门。如果连续输入错误密码4次,则键盘锁定,60秒后恢复正

Input one of right code(management code and user code) to open the door ,press “#” green LED lights ,if you input wrong code three time ,the keypad will lockautomatically , after 60 seconds it’s going to unlock automatically.     

2、   应急密码开锁:按"##"键,黄灯亮后, 通过键盘输入应急密码后按“#”开锁,听到"滴滴",绿灯亮, 转动把手开门,开锁5秒后锁自动闭合,绿灯灭。听到"滴滴滴滴"绿灯不亮,开锁失败,请重试。如果连续4次输入错误密码,则键盘锁定,60秒后恢复正常状态。

      Using emergency code open the door :press “# ”key twice , yellow LED lights ,enter the emergency code ,then press the “#” key ,when you hear two beeps ,green LED lights, turn the handle ,the door keeps opening in five seconds ,the green LED turns off .If you hear four beeps ,the green LED does not light ,open the door unsuccessfully ,repeat the steps .If four incorrect codes are entered in a row ,the LOCK will shut down for a period of up one minute.


Reset management code and user code


After unlock by emergency code ,recover the management code “1234”and user code “12345678”.


   Low power notice


 When you open the door you find the red and green LED light at same time , the voltage is very low ,you need to change the battery as soon as possible, four AA battery can be used many times to open the lock at this time .

  • 成立时间:
  • 经营模式:生产型
  • 所在地区:
  • 南京鲁伯思特电子科技有限公司
  • 联系人:杨时光 先生
  • 手机:
  • 电话:86 025 52396775
  • 传真:86 025 52790210
  • 查看详细地址
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