

无锡新大中薄板有限公司 > 产品首页 > 型材/板材 >  钢板 > 供应新大中保温彩涂板


  • 产品价格:元/
  • 最小起订:
  • 供货总量:
  • 发货地址:江苏 无锡
  • 发布日期:2012/7/11
  • 发布公司:无锡新大中薄板有限公司
  • 联系电话:86 0510 68755586
  • 联系人:高云先生 QQ:1833453290 发送询价
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规格:0.6*1000C 材质:SPCC 产地/厂家:无锡新大中

创意性:成品的表面有一种立绒状的高级感。最适应于车站的月台等空间上有创意的开放型屋顶。也适用于事务所、商铺、进门的地方等墙壁材料的装饰。There is a high grade upright pile sense on surface of finished product. it is suitable for open type roof with space creativity of railway platform and the wall ornament of office,store and entrance place.
It can use on corrugated plate construction of special roof and flat roof, As well as large-size finished goods with heatinsulation,fog-proof and water conservation.
防火性:通过中国不燃材料的A级认定。取得了相关屋顶厂家的屋顶30分钟耐火构造的认定。Approved by china incombustible material and got a grade rating. Achieved 30-minute fire-resisting construction approval related roof manufacturer.
与钢板粘接的附着性能:玻璃纤维和无机保温材料贴在钢板上和植绒钢板作大气气暴露试验进行比较,前两种钢板附着材料经过一个月后附着物开始脱落。植绒钢板经过2年后也没发生异样。Sticking fiber glass and inorganic warm keeping material on steel and flocking steel to do an atmospheric climate exposure test, the former two attaching materials on steel will drop down after one month,but flcking steel has no difference after two years.
隔热性:植绒钢板的热风传导在风速9m/s的设定条件下为6.17w/(平方.K),被认为与石板有大致同等隔热性能。Heat wind conduction of flocking steel is 9m/s at thespeed of 9m/s.
卷状成型、不规则成型加工性:可适应屋梁折板(圆形加工)等卷状成型、不规则成型的加工。Processability of roll molding or irregular molding.

工期缩短:用植绒钢板制造的通风管,在现场施工结束的同时防结露措施和工作也完成了。因为不需另加保温材料的保温工和施工,可缩短工期。同时可省去附带的安全管理、起重、保管场所和不必要的管理费等。降低现场施工的费用成本。At the same time as site operation on flocking steel vent-pipe was accomplished,anti-sweat measure and work also were finished.due to no need of another warm-keeping operation,constructional engineering can be cut down,which can save incidental safety manage-ment,hoisting,place maintenance and unnecessary managemen fee to bring down expenditure of site operation.
减少建筑物支撑穿孔孔径:不需要另加保温材料所以通风管的直径可以做大,在减少建筑物支撑梁穿孔孔径的同时通风管的总面积也可相对减少。有效降低建筑工程的成本。Due to no need of another warm-keeping material,so they can add the diameter of the vent-pipe.at the same time of reducing the aperture of supporting pillar,total area of vent-pipe can relatively decrease so that save the cost of the constructional engineering.
防止结露:表面的植绒层有抑制结露的功能。另外根据环境的急剧变化,万一发生结露,由于有约每平方米400G短纤维绒的保水功能,所以可防止屋顶、居室内的结露水滴下。Flocking layer on surface can restraion the condensation.in addition,once condensation occurs due to dramatically change of environment,flockong layer can prevent the drew dropping down by his fiber flocking about 400g per square meter.
Flocking steel can reduce energy consumption on the manufacture and movement of warm-keeping material and cut down co2 emission,which can make contribution for the restrain of global warming.
创意性:成品的表面有一种高级的立绒感。这种独特的创意性最适于外露的通风管。There is a high grade upright pile sense on surface of finished product. unique creativity is best suitable for outside vent-pipe.
加工性:由于有优越品质的静电植绒技术,良好的可弯曲性,所以任意弯曲、螺旋加工都没问题。Due to high-quality static flocking technology and better pliability,you can bend it and helically process it as you wish. 

  • 成立时间:2004
  • 经营模式:生产加工
  • 所在地区:江苏 无锡
  • 无锡新大中薄板有限公司
  • 联系人:高云 先生
  • 手机:
  • 电话:86 0510 68755586
  • 传真:86 0510 68755595
  • 查看详细地址